A custom code editor similar to code sandbox which has custom
built file explorer, code editor and a preview. This editor was built with library 'sandpack-react'
using ReactJs and JavaScript.
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Code Editor
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Code changes to commit
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List of commits
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Code diff between current version and a particular commit id
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Deploy the code
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Deployment Logs
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Upload Project
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Dark theme editor
File Explorer: The file explorer has folders, files, .png, .ico etc files with a
where files can be searched by filename. Files/ Folders can be renamed and deleted. The folders
are collapsible with files in it.
Editor: The code editor is a text editor built on Monaco Editor .
Preview: The live UI changes can be seen in the preview using 'sanpack-react'.
Commit: Code changes can be saved where user can review the changes made. Changes were saved
with a commit id, where user can again restore to
a particular commit id when needed.
Restore: The list of commit ids were provided to the user, where user can switch to a
particular commit id. Here user is provided with a diff table having the current changes and the
changes there in the selected commit id. The diff table is built on 'react-diff-viewer'.
Deploy: A particular commit id can be deployed to vercel which returns the deployed url,
deployment status and the deployment logs.
Logs: The logs for the live deployment happening in vercel can be seen in the UI.
Search: Search works for filenames as well as file content. The content search can be
done on a single file or all the files. Here the search is built on 'fuse.js'.
Upload Project: Any local project can also be uploaded to code editor which will be saved
with a
commit id.
Theme: Theme switcher to switch between dark and light themes.