I am an accomplished Software Developer with 4+ years of experience. I have a strong foundation in Web/FrontEnd development and user interface design. I am proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have expert skills in various libraries and frameworks such as React, Redux, Vue. I am looking forward to work in an organization where I get an opportunity to use my frontend skills and scale the products and also looking forward for a career growth in technology field.
May 2023 - Current
Jun 2021 - Jan 2023
November 2020 - Jun 2021
June 2020 - November 2020
July 2016 - April 2020
Computer Science Engineering | CGPA 7.62
A comprehensive design system with multiple reusable components. Integrated custom functionality and CSS, enhancing consistency across applications.
A configurable dashboard solution to support multiple tenants, allowing each tenant to have a customized dashboard experience. Transitioned from tenant-specific code bases to a generalized code structure.
Implemented Web Workers for session management, offloading work from the main thread to improve UI performance. Developed an auto-logout after 60 minutes of inactivity for better security and resource efficiency.
Implemented multi-language support, enabling seamless translation across the application.Utilized i18next for efficient internationalization, facilitating dynamic language switching.
A drag-and-drop editor that allows users to add interactive elements on top of a video. This involved building custom draggable components and handling precise positioning for a seamless overlay experience.
UI Builder enables developers to author search UIs with no-code, extend them with low-code with a cloud IDE and publish search UIs at the global edge on your domain.
A custom code editor similar to code sandbox which has custom built file explorer, code editor and a preview.
An ecommerce store with search application, authentication layer, stripe payment and elastic search.
It's a data aggregation platform where multiple CRMs can be integrated and then the data is pulled by a common node.js middleware.
A simple clone for trello with drag and drop and deletion of tasks between different columns.
An interactive Stone-Paper-Scissor game, allowing users to compete against the computer. The computer's moves are determined using a random algorithm, and the users score is displayed based on wins against the computer.
Weather data is produced for 1-16 days by giving location input. Display location in the map and color code the cards based on the weather type
Sementation of a nucleus using deep learning model,U-net.
Face Recognition for IR images using Image Processing Techniques.
A detailed guide on harnessing the power of Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) for effective debugging and performance optimization in web development.
A comprehensive guide on effectively utilizing Web Workers in React applications to execute CPU-intensive tasks in the background, significantly improving application responsiveness and enhancing the overall user experience.
This is a tutorial series aiming to teach how to build a feature-rich, scalable e-commerce app using VueJS, Vuex and NuxtJS.
Carmelaram, Gunjur Palya, Bengaluru
560087 India
Mobile: 9515269141